Episode 1 – Rise! – Dave Bailey

Episode 1 – Rise!

Here it is! The long-awaited, first episode of Edge of the Universe series will be officially available on November 1, 2018.

I’ve ended up changing the name of Episode 1 from “Run!” to “Rise” because it deals with the start of Art’s ascension as a billionaire.

Episodes 2 and 3 have already been written. They are currently being edited.

And I am almost finished with writing episode 4.

The official versions will be out in the next couple of months.

But you should be seeing those in the folder if you grabbed a pre-release copy here in the next couple of days.

Here is the latest updated information about the Edge of the Universe series (as of November 1, 2018). What books Dave Bailey currently writing and when upcoming episodes will become available.

I’m currently writing a chapter or two each day. You can read the daily chapters on Dave Bailey’s Patreon page

Series: Art on the Edge of the Universe
Season 1: On The Run!

Episode 1: Rise (November 1, 2018) Available on all major platforms
Episode 2: Release (December 1, 2018) Already available on Patreon & Gumroad
Episode 3: Rush (January 1, 2019) Already available on Patreon & Gumroad
Episode 4: Run (Feburary 1, 2019) Writing the final chapters now – Read available chapters on Patreon
Episode 5: TBA (March 1, 2019)
Episode 6: TBA (April 1, 2019)
Episode 7: TBA (May 1, 2019)
Episode 8: TBA (June 1, 2019)
Episode 9: TBA (July 1, 2019)
Episode 10: TBA (August 1, 2019)

Season 2: TBA (November 1, 2019)

Dave Bailey

Dave Bailey started writing short stories when he lived in Brazil to help his students learn English. Now, he lives in Florida again where he continues to write fun and inspiring sci-fi and fantasy fiction stories. You can read his weekly short stories here on his blog. Make sure to join his advanced reading crew so you know when new stories become available >>> https://davebailey.me/go/crew
