vocabulary – Dave Bailey

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English Vocabulary: To Call

To call – Listen to the audio to learn how to use this English vocabulary word of the day in 3 different sentences

Definition: communicate or contact someone by telephone


  1. I’ll call you back at 5:00 p.m.? – Eu te ligo de volta as 17:00
  2. You should call the doctor – Você deveria ligar para o médico
  3. Excuse me. I need to make a call – Com licença. Preciso fazer uma ligação

Sound File: https://anchor.fm/davebaileyme/episodes/English-Vocabulary-To-Call-e4jnk9

Part of Speech: Verb, base form

Verb Conjugations for To Call

  • Call
  • Calls
  • Calling
  • Called

Synonyms: ring, summon, contact, communicate

Related Phrases and Collocations and Expressions

Make a call

Write your own phrases with the word ‘to call’ in the comments for practice and to receive corrections and feedback as needed.
