picture – Dave Bailey

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Chapter 8 Complete! Whoo Hoo…

Cranking away here today on Love On The Edge. I’m tentatively calling it ‘Rise of the Dragon Queen‘.

I’ve already reached my first daily goal of cranking out 2,853 words. First 8 chapters are now complete.

You can read chapters 6 & 7 on my Patreon page now.

Who Is The Real Villain Here?

Onwards and upwards with my rebellious characters. They never do what I want them to. Right.

So, I thought Dr. Jonas was the bad guy, but he ends up turning out to be a real sweetheart.

Now, Julie’s starting to point her psychological finger at Melinda, the nutty nurse.

Good news is, that both Julie and Melinda now understand what they are doing there with Dr. Jonas.


I Gotta Stay In Shape…

So, after trying to beat my ornery characters into submission, I finally gave up and went for a run.

Managed to run almost 2K, then walked a bunch. Working my way back up the 5K ladder.


Time To Get Some Shut Eye

So, I’m gonna call it a day, and try to get some sleep here.

Get back up first thing in the morning.

I know I write better in the morning, but that means I have to go to bed earlier, so I can wake up early enough to get some writing in before work.

What Am I Going To Read Tonight?

I don’t know. If you’re reading anything good, make sure to hit me up in the comments and let me know.

I have a couple of Short Read books on my Kindle, so that might keep me awake a bit longer if I get into the story.

I’ve been mostly reading non-fiction these days to hone my writing craft, but I miss reading good fiction.

So, I’ll check out the titles I’ve downloaded from my Kindle Unlimited.

See what looks interesting.

I know there are some creepy short stories that caught my attention the other day.

But that might not be the best thing to read right before I go to sleep. Right?

Here’s an interesting infographic on fear of the dark.

Why People are Afraid of the Dark

Ya’ll have a good night now!
