writing update – Dave Bailey

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Chapter 8 Complete! Whoo Hoo…

Cranking away here today on Love On The Edge. I’m tentatively calling it ‘Rise of the Dragon Queen‘.

I’ve already reached my first daily goal of cranking out 2,853 words. First 8 chapters are now complete.

You can read chapters 6 & 7 on my Patreon page now.

Who Is The Real Villain Here?

Onwards and upwards with my rebellious characters. They never do what I want them to. Right.

So, I thought Dr. Jonas was the bad guy, but he ends up turning out to be a real sweetheart.

Now, Julie’s starting to point her psychological finger at Melinda, the nutty nurse.

Good news is, that both Julie and Melinda now understand what they are doing there with Dr. Jonas.


I Gotta Stay In Shape…

So, after trying to beat my ornery characters into submission, I finally gave up and went for a run.

Managed to run almost 2K, then walked a bunch. Working my way back up the 5K ladder.


Time To Get Some Shut Eye

So, I’m gonna call it a day, and try to get some sleep here.

Get back up first thing in the morning.

I know I write better in the morning, but that means I have to go to bed earlier, so I can wake up early enough to get some writing in before work.

What Am I Going To Read Tonight?

I don’t know. If you’re reading anything good, make sure to hit me up in the comments and let me know.

I have a couple of Short Read books on my Kindle, so that might keep me awake a bit longer if I get into the story.

I’ve been mostly reading non-fiction these days to hone my writing craft, but I miss reading good fiction.

So, I’ll check out the titles I’ve downloaded from my Kindle Unlimited.

See what looks interesting.

I know there are some creepy short stories that caught my attention the other day.

But that might not be the best thing to read right before I go to sleep. Right?

Here’s an interesting infographic on fear of the dark.

Why People are Afraid of the Dark

Ya’ll have a good night now!

Writing Update: 42 Day Streak & 5,017 New Words

So, today was one of those days where I just didn’t feel like writing. Kept pushing it off. Wrote a little at lunchtime. Then a bit more in the afternoon, but once I got home from work…I started writing like a madman. Managed to crank out 5,017 words today for Kobe & Katrina.

It’s an amazing story. I was shocked when I discovered who one of Kobe’s clients was and how his family got involved in this whole mess. Katrina still hasn’t figured out a way to get them out of this mess.

And we’re already in over 20,000 words for a short story that was supposed to be a quick 1,000-word short story. But this is too interesting of a story to stop now.

Yes, I know! We left old Art hanging back in the middle of Edge 1.4 which I don’t really like doing. But he is just going to have to hang on until we can get back to him. Especially since he is looking for Kobe, at least now we know where the old geezer is hiding and why.

Wow! All I can say is wow! So, let’s get to it. Eh? I don’t want to give away any spoilers of course. But I can’t wait till you get to read this story. I think you are going to love it.

Meantime, I’ve got to go get some shut-eye here. It’s way past my bedtime, and I’ve been hanging onto my desk here for the past hour or so, just to get these character worksheets up that I created today.

And whatever you do kids, don’t go out trying any of these Radical Road Rolls that kids are doing these days.


Writing Update: Kobe & Katrina

Happy Sunday to you all! This was a good week of writing. Wrote 33,372 words. Basically spent it finishing up Edge of the Universe: Season 1 – Episode 3 and then started Episode 4.

I got some really good writing days in with the help of Focusmate, which is great for helping me stay on track with my writing.

I’m participating in Camp NaNoWriMo and I’m in a cabin full of other great sci-fi writers. And I’m already over halfway to my goal in the first week. Wooo hooo! Hope to keep up the pace.

I’ve actually got to write more because I’ll be traveling the last half of this month. So, I’ve got to cram it in now.

I also started writing a short story for the lawyer that Art is looking for in Edge 1.4 because I wanted to understand why Tony tried to kill him.

It was supposed to be something short and quick, but I started writing from Katrina’s point of view. I was instantly captivated and extremely intrigued by the relationship between the two.

And I was absolutely blown away with the whole incident that started this mess.

I don’t want to give away any spoilers of course, so I won’t say much more about it here.

But I can’t wait to share Kobe & Katrina’s story with you.
