Kindle Books – Dave Bailey

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12 Tips On How To Improve Your English With Kindle Books

Hey there, English students! Do you like reading and want to know how to improve your English with Kindle books?

If so, here are 12 tips to help you make use of the Kindle app that is probably already installed on your cell phone. If not, go install the Kindle app now.

Learning English with Audiobooks – Live Chat

  1. Improve Your English Vocabulary – Reading Kindle books is a great way to increasing your vocabulary which means you understand more of what you hear and you can express yourself better
  2. Quick Tip for Kindle Dictionary: If you see a word you don’t know, just press on it until Kindle’s built in dictionary pops up so you can learn what the word means
  3. Quick Tip For Kindle Flashcards: You can also add new vocabulary words and phrases to your flashcards which is built right into the Kindle app as well to review them later
  4. Master English Grammar: Reading also allows you to assimilate the grammar structures implicitly which means don’t have to remember grammar rules to form better sentences and speak better English
  5. Improve Your English Pronunciation: Listening along with the audiobook version of your story allows you to learn how to pronounce the words correctly as well as reduce your English accent
  6. Learn English Expressions For Language Fluency – You can also learn many new idiomatic expressions by reading the dialogues in your Kindle book, which means you, will know what they mean when you hear them as well as be able to use them yourself in the proper context as you model what you have been reading
  7. Read Your Books Anywhere on your Kindle – The nice thing about Kindle books is that you can read them on your phone anywhere you go. i.e. a line at the supermarket, waiting for a friend in a park, or anywhere you happen to be
  8. Millions of Free Books – You can read millions of books like Hunger Games, Harry Potter, and Beneath A Scarlet Sky through Kindle Unlimited for less then ten dollars per month
  9. No Credit Card? Search for completely free books in Bookbub weekly deals and choose the genres that you enjoy reading
  10. Most Kindle Books Offer Audio Versions – You can find the audiobook versions right on the same page as the book or just join Audible for new books to listen to each month
  11. Get Free Audiobooks – And many books in Kindle Unlimited include the audiobook version for free. To find free audiobooks, just search for ‘Books With Narration In Kindle Unlimited’ on Google
  12. Read Kindle Reviews First – Just make sure to read the reviews on Amazon or Goodreads to see other people’s reviews and recommendations to make sure the book will be something you enjoy before you invest time or money

indle Updates Your Reading List Automatically – That way you can share you current reading list as well as the books you want to read next in a vibrant community of other readers just like you
