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What People Are Saying


M Lemont,

Bestselling Author

“People love a good short story, and this is storytelling at its best. What I like the most is the crisp and funny and colorful language and likable characters smashing the evil Locryians while trying to save the world and fulfill a prophecy. The plot twist at the end was really good too. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to read something fresh or for a change of pace. I rate the book 5 Big Stars. ”

Laura Hopgood,

YA/Sci-Fi Author

“I thoroughly enjoyed this short, but sweet little story which follows Art as he battles wild beasts and a portal-opening villain named Lucien. From the get-go, this story was heavily action-packed and very pacy. Not only that, this story offers a glimpse into a whole new magical world that the author is planning on writing about. This book is just the beginning, and what an exciting read it was! ”

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